Friday 4 April 2014

Evaluation question 2

2.How does your media product represent particular social groups?

My magazine represents the Alternative, punk, rock social groups. My model (Right) relates to Alex gaskarth from All Time Low (Left) and Sean Smith from The Blackout (Centre). All three have similar music taste, rock/punk/hard-core. Also all three have the same fashion sense, e.g. Skinny jeans, baggy t-shirts, long bright hair. All three have similar hobbies, such as playing instruments and singing. Alex gaskarth plays guitar and sings, and so does Luke but Sean smith only sings. I have represented rock stars/ rock artists, mainly males. I represented young mates in a light hearted and alternative way. Luke goes with the “Alternative” social group, and the way I have represented him makes him seem young and careless, maybe a little immature.  Young and carless would be due to on my front cover and double page spread Luke is wearing a comic type t shirt, and I represented him as careless as on my double page spread he is holding a microphone next to his bottom.

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